The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Opinion I’m a female chef. Here’s how my restaurant dealt with harassment from customers.

March 29, 2018 at 9:24 a.m. EDT
STOCK IMAGE: Typical kitchen of a restaurant shot in operation, toned image (iStock)

Erin Wade is a chef, restaurateur and co-author of “The Mac + Cheese Cookbook.”

As a female chef, I am disheartened to open the paper and see the latest news of male chefs behaving badly. Mario Batali , John Besh , Ken Friedman . . . every day it seems to be someone new. Although it is encouraging to see men finally being called out for inappropriate behavior, it’s less so that the focus is still, frankly, on men . How did they react? What will happen to their empires? What’s needed is a conversation about women — not as victims, but as revolutionaries. I am an overtly feminist restaurateur, and harassment still happened at my restaurant. This is my story, my solution and my call to action.