It's not uncommon for women to experience periods of financial unrest. But in a new Allianz Life study, only 62% of women say they feel financially secure. That's down from the 68% of women who felt similarly in 2016.

What's equally disturbing, however, is the fact that fewer women are advocating for themselves in the workplace. Only 27% of female employees have asked for a promotion or raise in 2019, compared to 44% who did so back in 2016.

If you're worried about money and feel you're worth more than what you're currently being paid, or that you've merited a promotion, then it pays to stand up for yourself at work. Otherwise, your financial picture is less likely to improve.

Woman typing on laptop


Don't be afraid to talk yourself up

Asking for a raise or promotion can be nerve-racking, especially when you go in feeling like the odds are stacked against you. But if you don't have that conversation, you can't expect results.

Job site CareerBuilder reports that 56% of employees have never asked for a raise, but among those who have spoken up about wanting more money, 66% got a pay boost to some degree. If you want to increase your chances of scoring a raise, go in prepared. First, research salary data for your industry, and see how your earnings measure up. Remember, women are statistically underpaid compared to men, and that includes entry-level employees to middle managers to top-level executives. But if you're able to put some data in front of your boss highlighting the fact that you're not receiving an equitable wage, your company might change its tune -- and change your paycheck for the better.

Going in prepared with a list of ways you add value to your company could also help you land both a raise and a promotion. To that end, don't be shy about talking yourself up. If you can pinpoint how much money you've helped your company make, or how much you've helped it save -- even better.

Don't be wishy-washy during those conversations, but rather, go in with a clear idea of what you want. If you're seeking a promotion, for example, don't leave that title change up to your boss. Rather, land on a title you feel accurately fits your job description and experience level, and present a strong case for it.

If you're seeking a raise, present a number you feel is fair based on the aforementioned data, coupled with the skills and effort you bring to the table. Again, leaving your boss to come up with that number may not get you the results you want.

Finally, don't apologize for having the conversation. You're allowed to ask for more money or a title change, so approach that discussion from a place of confidence and entitlement rather than fear and regret.

It's unfortunate that women aren't always paid or treated fairly on the job. If you're dissatisfied with your job title or salary, don't hesitate to speak up about it -- especially if you're not thrilled with your financial circumstances on a whole.