"Both liberals and conservatives point to shifting demographic trends as a kind of failure...But what if lower birthrates are a good thing? For a great many individual women, reconsidering motherhood doesn’t reflect hardship or unmet desire, but rather a new landscape of opportunity. As a country, we would be better off if we saw significant demographic changes as data points that can give us important clues about what people want, what they need and how we might improve their lives."
While Ms. Gillibrand was called “Senator Working Mom,” Mr. O’Rourke’s status as a parent has been just one part of his story, not the core of it. After losing his Senate race, he took an extended solo road trip to clear his head and blog. A jaunt that would be portrayed as child abandonment had a woman done it “could help him politically, advancing his offbeat brand,” reporters mused. Few fretted about who was watching his children.