“Harriet walked to freedom. So I’m feeling like right now I’m not especially free and I thought to myself the best way to start to feel good again is I must walk in the steps Harriet walked. She’s helping me to heal and helping me to understand what’s really going on here. The only way I can deal with this is to free my mind. Freedom is certainly a word, we know what it means. But it’s also symbolic of releasing the tension, the pain, the fear that I’m feeling because of this political climate and it’s helped me tremendously.”

Bloomberg’s sexist remarks fostered company culture that degraded women, lawsuits allege

Lucien BruggemanSasha PezenikTom LlamasTonya Simpson and Matthew Mosk / ABC News
Over the years a number of women have alleged in legal filings that Bloomberg’s use of lewd comments around co-workers fostered a frat-like culture at the company he founded and still owns. Quotes attributed to him in court filings include, "I’d like to do that piece of meat," and "I would DO you in a second."
A group of nearly 100 women has been covering the streets of Paris at night with the names of those victims. This week, more than 250 collages have already been plastered on Parisian walls with shocking messages in big, black letters describing the killings and naming the victims. The goal? Bringing awareness to the extreme violence that these women faced and push for political action in France.