Many conversations about ADHD tend to focus on children, especially young boys, and how this disorder can negatively impact them at school. But there are thousands of girls and women affected by ADHD long into adulthood, but the sexism and stigma that still surrounds ADHD often leads to a delayed diagnosis — which keeps many from receiving the mental health care they need.
"Our society loves tossing around the term "girl," no matter how old the women they're referring to are. We hear it in all kinds of contexts — in songs on the radio, from friends and family, and even at work from our superiors. Most of the time, the term is used endearingly, but that doesn't make it any better. It harbors a larger meaning which reflects just how much our society fails to respect women."
A new report by the Times has revealed that the day-to-day life of women in politics is perhaps even worse than people realised. Female MPs are being harassed over Brexit to such an extent that they have been forced to move house and hire personal security. The Times report reveals that police have advised one female politician not to drive herself, while another has been warned against travelling by herself at night. One female MP has even been advised against jogging in a park close to her home.