“Ensuring people are paid fairly is long overdue and is a fundamental issue that needs to be addressed to progress towards an equitable society,” Curry said in a statement. “Syndio is an objective solution that removes unconscious bias from the equation and changes the way business leaders tackle workplace equity, making pay equity the standard for companies around the world.”
LinkedIn recently annoucned that is introducing several new job titles, including “stay-at-home mom,” to allow full-time parents and other caretakers to provide more accurate descriptions of their time away from the paid labor force. It is also removing its requirement that any resume entry—for example, “stay-at-home dad”—must be linked to a specific company or employer.
When we achieve intersectional gender equity, it means we will have closed all the gaps across gender, race, ethnicity that prevent people from fully participating in the economy. These gaps include the pay gap as well as gaps in promotion, performance evaluation, and access to opportunity. It’s about leveling the playing field so everyone—regardless of their gender or skin color—has the chance to realize their ambitions.