Fabrice Calmels, lead dancer with the Joffrey Ballet in Chicago said, “I teach young kids, and boys just drop because of the stigma, the social stigma around the form. Children should be entitled to experience things without being bullied.”
"I’m not saying a film has to pass the Bechdel Test to be good, great, or even worth your time; after all, most great movies and TV shows fail it spectacularly. It’s just one useful, if imperfect, way to challenge dominant narratives in film and television, which are overwhelmingly male. The next time you’re looking for a Friday night flick, try one that passes the Bechdel Test—you might just love it."
This sort of tiny examination forces the writer to consider what we assume is the default, and how whiteness, maleness, heterosexuality, and ability tend to be centered in our culture. It’s a useful, though tiny, exercise in remembering that not everyone you deal with is going to be the default. Cox even coins a new term, a “micro-justice,” a small thing that someone can do to correct a tendency to put whiteness and maleness front and center.