The signs will de-emphasise the physical attributes of the characters portrayed, leading to a more gender-neutral sign. "In the reform it doesn't really matter whether it's a man or a woman," said Jukka Hopeavuori of the Transport Agency. "The important thing is that the figure in the sign walks, or shows the appropriate action."
The violence that Gill and many other women in Pakistan face – including forced marriage, domestic violence, acid attacks, “honour” killings and rape – is described by Human Rights Watch as “routine”. The vast majority goes unreported: though an anti-rape law was passed last year, convictions remain close to zero. But while the country has one of the world’s largest digital gender divides (70-85% of internet users are men), more and more women are claiming their space online – and harnessing it against patriarchy. “We are not going to bring social change by appearing on one morning TV show,” Gill says. “We need a continuous platform to speak for ourselves.
After examining their database of 2,800 executive evaluations globally, the Egon Zehnder team found that men tended to outscore women on five of seven competencies that companies more typically use to evaluate managers — criteria such as strategy, change management and understanding the market. Women outperformed men on collaboration and developing other individuals and teams. But women outscored men on three of the four “potential” traits — curiosity, determination and engagement — that help predict who will excel when it comes to certain skills.
Dany Cotton is urging the nation to stop using the term “fireman” as part of a drive to encourage more women to become firefighters. ADVERTISING inRead invented by Teads The Commissioner is asking people to show their support by using the hashtag #FirefightingSexism on their social media accounts, and stating they will not use the word “fireman”.
“[We’ll be] looking at our role as men in ending gender-based violence, what it means to be an ally to women in this work and recognizing that these really rigid notions of masculinity that society places on us, that we sometimes place on ourselves, are really harmful to men’s mental and emotional and physical health. They are things that aren’t talked about a lot.”