Formed in 2015, Fat Girls Hiking is a body-positive outdoors community that aims to end the shame and stigma around the word “fat” and use it as a means of empowerment, through intersectional feminism, fat activism, and body liberation. The group has developed from an online community on Instagram with more than 19,000 followers, to an offline community with more than 20 chapters located across the country.
Congresspeople Pramila Jayapal and Ayanna Pressley argue that raising the minimum wage is a women's issue and an economic justice issue. According to the Economic Policy Institute, 58% of the nearly 40 million U.S. workers who would benefit from this wage hike are women. Nearly one in three out of all female wage-earners and 43% of single mothers would receive a raise. This increase would disproportionately benefit black and Hispanic women.